Sunday, January 20, 2008

Package Approval

The following products were bought in Sicily purely because I preferred the packaging to the other anchovy and tuna possibilities. Aren't they cute?

And yes, they taste as good as they look. :-)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dinner 18Jan08

Miguel made curry because he got carried away when he went to the corner store and bought too many veggies. ;-) It was tasty! Key ingredient... nuts. Mango lassi as the drink. Turrón from Spain for dessert!

Friday, January 18, 2008

I eat, therefore iHam

First, watch the new MacBook Pro video:
Some things are just too slim

Then watch the iJam 5Js
Your lives will never be the same:
Pata Negra Love

Thursday, January 17, 2008

We're living in a broccoli world

Someone more obsessed with food than the Carew Pigs... hard to believe, but here it is:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hey there honey

Alright folks, the hiatus is over and we're back to piggie blog. What's in store for you? We're going to finally get Thanksgiving up and then have a bit of a holiday wrap-up including all of our culinary adventures of the past month.

To get us back in the mood, a little anecdote from Los Angeles.

I went to stay with a friend of mine a few weeks ago in LA and she has a lovely kitchen. Everything is clean and uncluttered. Just nice. She left me Friday morning to go to work so it was up to me to find the english muffins, the butter and the honey. I found them all, especially some tasty-looking "Tupelo Honey" in a cool dispenser. But after my first bite of the english muffin, I was a bit confused by the taste of the honey. It was too strong and tasted more like a plant of some sort. I tried another two bites and after that was thoroughly convinced that Maggie had officially the weirdest taste in honey. Still a bit groggy-eyed, I looked at the bottle of honey more closely and the tiny cursive font told me it was hand soap. I'd been eating hand soap. On an english muffin. With butter. Great. Well done. Give yourself a sticker. So after a bit of spitting and gurgling, I just laughed and laughed. It even smelled like honey, for goodness' sake. But of course, the real honey was just about 10 inches away and I hadn't seen it. That english muffin bit the dust. The next one I had only with butter because I was terrified the other honey would be a fraud as well.

Lesson: always read the fine print and never trust honey in a soap dispenser.