As a Californian, I am so thrilled to hear that the Governator has signed a ban on trans fats, due to come into effect from 2010. We were early to ban smoking in food establishments and indoors between 1994 and 1998 and junk food and trans fats are also banned in school meals. (Though I must admit that there were other states ahead of us!) This is fabulous. Now if only the UK would jump on the bandwagon. I didn't know that New York City, Philadelphia, Seattle, Stamford, Conn., and Montgomery County, Md. had already done so. It's definitely a step in the right direction to cutting heart disease. Now all they need is a requirement that if you live within 40 minutes of work and are physically able, you should cycle! Well, that's not going to happen, but how great would that be? California, with it's tame climate would be the perfect place for a massive cycling campaign.
To read about the ban on trans fats, check out the following articles:
Trans-fats banned in California - BBC News online
California Bars Restaurant Use of Trans Fats - NY Times
Schwarzenegger signs law banning trans fats in restaurants - LA Times
My only concern would be that fast food joints really stick to this, but even more, smaller businesses. Big fast food chains have already started bans, but it's the little places that will have trouble affording it. There will obviously be complaints of food prices rising because trans fats are so cheap, but is it a good thing that unhealthy food be really cheap? Adding a dollar onto the price of fries might be a good thing because they aren't doing your heart any good even if they're being made with non-trans fats. Maybe then people might realize that a banana costs a lot less than that. Ha, yeah right. As with the smoking ban, people make a huge fuss in the beginning and then just eventually get on with it. This will be the same.
My flatmates did an in-house experiment a few years ago to see whether a trans fat margarine or butter rinsed off a knife more quickly. With hot water, the margarine didn't rinse well at all, but the butter just melted and slid right off. That's what those trans fats are doing to your arteries! Not that you should consume huge amounts of butter either, but you see the point!
At any rate, it's a step in the right direction, and I'm happy to hear about it! In celebration, I'm going to give my heart a workout and go for a cycle. But only after I buy some fresh fruit and veg from the high street.